
Saturday 22 July 2006

Leo women and men sexual horoscope

Leo women: Sleek, lascivious, enticing and lazy! Whatever Leo wants, Leo gets! Intensely responsive and there are bed partners who have scars to prove it. Your need to show off leads you to prefer the top where he can look up and admire the beauty of your body. Best sexmates: Aries, Libra, Scorpio, Sagitarius. Your sexual wardrobe: full of wispy cut-out bras and panties!

Leo men: Simply brushes aside rules and conventions. One important rule to remember about him: NEVER tease. His endurance is remarkable and he has a great appetite for making love. He likes women in the submissive position and oral sex is okay only when he is on the receiving end. He likes a woman to show how much she is enjoying it. His erogenous zone: his back is particularly vulnerable.

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